Harnessing Synthetic Tests in New Relic: Enhancing Application Availability

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Are you tired of experiencing glitches and downtime in your applications? Do you want to improve the overall user experience and ensure maximum availability? Look no further! Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the world of harnessing synthetic tests in New Relic. In this exciting read, we’ll explore how these tests can revolutionize your application performance, enhance user satisfaction, and take your business to new heights. Get ready to discover the ultimate solution for a flawless online presence – let’s dive in!

Introduction to Synthetics Tests in New Relic

As the name suggests, synthetic tests are created by us, not your users. By simulating real user workflows with scripted browser actions, we can proactively monitor the availability and responsiveness of your web applications from around the world. This allows you to catch performance issues before your users do, and fix them before they cause a poor experience.

There are many benefits to using synthetic tests, including:

  • catching performance issues before they impact users
  • monitoring global availability 24/7
  • testing in different browsers and environments
  • simulating workflows with multiple steps
  • measuring end-to-end response times
  • identifying slow or error-prone backends

Benefits of Synthetics Tests in New Relic

Synthetic tests help you understand how your application behaves in the real world and identify performance issues that may impact your users. By running synthetic tests in New Relic, you can:

  • Monitor your application’s availability and performance from multiple locations around the world
  • Identify and diagnose problems quickly, before they impact your users
  • Understand how changes to your code or infrastructure affect your application’s performance
  • Get alerted when your application is unavailable or performing poorly

Setting Up Synthetics Tests in New Relic

If you’re looking to set up synthetic tests in New Relic, there are a few things you’ll need to do. First, you’ll need to create a newsynthetics monitors. You can do this by going to the New Relic Synthetics page and clicking on the “Create Monitor” button.

Once you’ve created your monitor, you’ll need to configure it. This includes setting the name and description of the monitor, as well as the type of monitor (e.g. simple or script), the frequency, and the locations where the synthetic test will be run from.

Once you’ve configured your monitor, you’ll need to add your synthetic tests. To do this, click on the “Add Test” button and select the type of test you want to add (e.g. HTTP, Ping, or Selenium). Then, fill out the necessary information for the test and click “Save.”

Now that you’ve added your synthetic tests, they will automatically run according to the schedule you’ve set up. You can view the results of these tests by going to the New Relic Synthetics page and clicking on the “View Results” button for each test.

Using Synthetics Tests to Monitor Availability and Performance

Synthetic tests are an important tool for monitoring the availability and performance of your application. By simulating real user interactions, synthetic tests can help you identify potential issues before they impact actual users.

New Relic Synthetics is a powerful synthetic testing platform that makes it easy to create and run tests from multiple locations around the world. With New Relic Synthetics, you can monitor the availability and performance of your application 24/7, ensuring a great user experience for your customers.

Analyzing Results from Synthetics Tests

After you’ve run a synthetic test in New Relic, it’s important to analyze the results in order to make sure that your application is available and performing as expected. To do this, go to the Synthetics page in New Relic and select the test that you want to review. From there, you will be able to see a variety of information about the test, including its status (e.g. whether it passed or failed), response time, and so on.

You can also use New Relic’s Synthetics debugger to troubleshoot any issues that you may have with your tests. To do this, simply go to the Debugger page and select the test that you want to debug. From there, you’ll be able to see all of the details about the test, including its config, request/response data, and so on. This can be extremely helpful if you’re having trouble figuring out why a particular test is failing.

Troubleshooting Tips for Synthetics Tests

If you’re experiencing issues with your synthetic tests, here are a few troubleshooting tips to help you get back on track:

  1. Check your test configuration

The first step is to check that your test is properly configured. Review the target URL, check for any typos, and make sure the test is set to run at the desired frequency.

  1. Verify your test results

Once you’ve confirmed that your test is properly configured, take a look at the results to see if there are any errors. If everything looks good, then move on to step 3. If you see errors, try to determine what’s causing them and fix it accordingly.

  1. Check for resource contention

If your tests are running fine but you’re still seeing errors or timeouts, it’s possible that there’s resource contention on the server where your tests are running. To verify this, check the CPU and memory usage of the server where your tests are running. If they’re high, try scaling up your server or adding more resources.


New Relic Synthetic Tests are an invaluable tool for ensuring your applications remain available and that users have a positive experience with them. By setting up tests in key areas, you can quickly identify any issues before they become problems. With the right configuration, synthetic tests can help you maintain application availability and user satisfaction while providing valuable insights into performance data. Start testing today to ensure your applications run optimally!

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